

Eliminate Dental Aerosols with Ease

Cazoo is a hands-free extraoral aerosol evacuator that connects to existing HVE lines.

Introducing The Cazoo Extraoral Aerosol Evacuator

The Cazoo Extraoral Aerosol Evacuator mitigates the risk of COVID-19 transmission by reducing dental aerosols. Set up in seconds by connecting to existing HVE lines. Get Cazoo for just $99, a fraction of the cost of other solutions.


Music to a Practitioner’s Ears

Cazoo provides protection against harmful aerosols at a fraction of the price of bulky extraoral dental suction systems, making it the perfect cost-friendly aerosol control device for your workflow.

Cost Effective. Cazoo costs just $99, compared to alternative systems that may costs thousands.

No Training Needed. Connect Cazoo to existing HVE lines to set up and use in less than 1 minute.

Hands-Free Use. Attach to a patient’s lip, cheek retractor, or an arm attachment. Move Cazoo freely along the lip or retractor to position close to the work area.


A Safer Dental Operatory

Dental occupations are among the highest risk for contracting COVID-19. Risk is rooted in aerosol production caused by powered instrumentation usage. Cazoo significantly reduces aerosolized particulates within the breathing space of the patient and clinician.

Reduce Dental Aerosols. Cazoo reduces particulates by 90% when compared to intraorally positioned saliva ejectors.

Increase Protection With Attachable Splash Guard. Minimize exposure to aerosols and splatter produced by procedures such as ultrasonic scaling and restorative treatments.

Autoclavable. Cazoo is made with medical grade, biocompatible polyphenylsulfone plastic enabling you to steam autoclave or chemically sterilize the device.

Safer Operatory
Optimized Airflow

Optimized Airflow

The geometry of Cazoo was designed specifically to efficiently use the suction of a standard diameter HVE line. Competitor’s products use openings that are too wide or narrow, so the user loses extraoral suction power in the locations they need it most.

With our patent-pending design, we maximize dental aerosol control by placing the opening closer to the work area without obstructing the view of the practitioner, while also allowing for dental aerosol reduction over a large area. For these reasons, our design is more effective than the “funnel style” products on the market.

Cazoo Assembly. It’s a Cinch!

Start reducing aerosols in less than a minute.

A Comfortable Patient Experience

Keep your patients comfortable and your work area clear while maintaining excellent aerosol control at any position around the mouth.

Lip Attachment. Minimize the risk of gagging and choking by attaching Cazoo to the patient’s lip. Access all tooth surfaces regardless of Cazoo positioning.

Ergonomic Design. Cazoo’s design maximizes aerosol removal by placing the opening closer to the work area without obstructing the practitioner’s view. Dimensions: 13 cm (length) x 4.3 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height). Weight: 1.5 oz.

HVE Arm Attachment. Adjust Cazoo’s position for optimal patient care while reducing strain caused by the pull of the HVE hose.

Comfortable Patient Experience

Aerosol Reduction for Better Infection Control

Finally, cost-effective dental aerosol control that works for practitioners and patients.

Hands-free Use

Hands-free Use

There is no assistant needed with Cazoo. Position it directly on the lip, connect to a cheek retractor, or use the arm.

HVE Compatibility

HVE Compatibility

Cazoo connects directly to your HVE line saving you from the need to invest in additional equipment.



Connect a face shield to Cazoo for additional dental office infection control.

Universal Retractor Clip

Universal Retractor Clip

Attaches to most hands-free cheek retractors for easy positioning.

Pressure & Volume Optimized

Pressure & Volume Optimized

Engineered design allows for maximum dental aerosol suction.

Hands-free Use

Lip Attachment

Attach Cazoo to the patient’s lip for easy, comfortable use.

Protect Your Team. Get Cazoo Today.